Queen’s Birthday Parade

As the Queen turned 90 last Thursday, Year 2 celebrated with a birthday crown competition and a parade.

Can you believe that the Queen is 90 years old and is the longest reigning British monarch!

The competition was to design a crown for the Queen to wear on her birthday. We showed off our perseverance skills to take our time and create beautiful pieces of work that were well designed. We tested our fine motor skills using scissors too. After making a headband, Miss Collins and Miss Gangel helped us to attach our crowns so we could wear them in the parade.

We paraded in the yard and the competition was to find the best Queen crown and best King crown!

Lady Halliford came along and judged the competition!

The winners were…

Photo 21-04-2016, 14 43 22

Well done to the winners and to everyone in Year 2! They were all super!

4 thoughts on “Queen’s Birthday Parade

  1. Your crowns were amazing Year 2 – it was SOOOOOO hard to judge! The winners just edged it because they had super colouring skills and really accurate cutting too.
    Well done everyone. The royal waving was rather awesome too!
    Lady H


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